M-TES meeting in Lecco, 30/9 and 1/10 2024
The partners of the M-TES met in Lecco for a two-day technical meeting at the end of project Y1, during which the progress of the research activities was presented and discussed.

This meeting offered to the researchers involved in M-TES project the opportunity to visit the Lecco-site laboratories of the Institute of Condensed Matter and Technologies for Energy of the National Rresearch Council of Italy (CNR-ICMATE). This was a further occasion to share information about the peculiar testing equipment and the adopted methodologies, discuss project related topics and materializing their synergistic collaboration.

The partners attended the interesting online EIC-ARPA-E workshop “Artificial Intelligence as a tool to accelerate scaleup of advanced materials”, commenting then the innovative approaches presented.
The in-presence technical meeting was, once more, an occasion to strengthen the collaboration among researchers involved at various project activities.